Brads Pitt, In Order
A Listicle Without Commentary

27. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Brad
26. By The Sea Brad
24. Inglourious Basterds Brad
23. Mr. & Mrs. Smith Brad
22. Seven Years in Tibet Brad
21. Moneyball Brad
20. Tree of Life Brad
19. The Big Short Brad
18. 12 Monkeys Brad
17. Sleepers Brad
16. World War Z Brad
15. Se7en Brad
14. The Mexican Brad
13. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Brad
12. Spy Game Brad
11. Meet Joe Black Brad
10. Burn After Reading Brad
9. Interview With A Vampire Brad
8. Snatch Brad
7. Fight Club Brad
6. Babel Brad
5. A River Runs Through It Brad
4. Troy Brad
3. Ocean’s Eleven Brad
2. Thelma & Louise Brad
1. Legends Of The Fall Brad