Bring Ghost Dog Home

“The Ghost Dog lived in Prospect Park for four years, and we kind of let him live there. We felt that at that time in his life, he was happier in the park than he would have been in a cage or someone’s apartment. That’s not typical. He was 109 pounds when we caught him, so he wasn’t starving. He had routines. He’d come down for the off-leash hours and play with the other dogs. But he always kept his distance from people. Most people wouldn’t even realize that he was there. That’s why they called him Ghost Dog. If you didn’t look for him, you wouldn’t realize that he was there. And if you were looking for him, he’d take three steps and just disappear.
Then people starting seeing him just lying out in the open. He’s this giant dog, and he’s intimidating, so people assumed he was mean. But it turned out that he had Lyme disease, and bone fragments in his knee, so he was just tired, and he didn’t have the energy to run away. We talked about it with the Parks Department, and officially, the dog had to leave, but until we started getting complaints no one was really pushing for it. My fear was: here’s a dog that never caused a problem for anybody. And if he ends up not doing well in captivity, his options are gonna be so limited. Luckily, it didn’t turn out that way.”
— Back in August, Brooklyn animal rescuer Sean Casey told us about Ghost Dog, who was being cared for at Casey’s Sunset Park facility. Good news: “A select group of experienced dog trainers came in to socialize him and take him for walks. At first he was very skeptical but he slowly came around and began to look for human attention. Ghost Dog is a beautiful, friendly dog and he is about 4 years old. He is neutered and up to date with vaccinations.” And now he’s ready to be taken home by the right person. Could it be you?