Things That Actually Exist: Comedy Podcasts by Something Called "Women"

If perhaps you were intrigued by the idea of podcasts by comedians but you aren’t interested in living in a male-only world, as Paul Brownfield, the author of this past weekend’s Times mag piece on podcasts by comedians does, here are a few things for you to explore!
• In the print version of the magazine, but not online, How Was Your Week?, by Awl pal Julie Klausner, got tied for his final pick. That’s… nice that it got a mention! It’s very good. Perhaps you will enjoy, if you can stand the fact that Julie doesn’t have a penis.
• There is also the podcast of Ronna and Beverly, who are barren harridans.
• Throwing Shade, with Bryan Safi and Erin Gibson: they talk about lady and gay stuff! But that’s so marginal, so be careful if you listen.
• You Had To Be There, with Nikki Glaser and Sara Schaefer, which happens in Sara’s apartment, so you know it’s all “domestic” (probably about oven-cleaning techniques?).
• There is Elizabeth Laime’s Totally Laime Podcast, which is about advanced tatting and needlepoint.
• There is also Who Charted?, with another man-woman team, which is about the pop culture that is popular (but probably dumb).
Surely there are more? Tell us about them!