The Tony Awards Live Chat Extravaganza
by Jaime Green

Ladies and gents, it’s America’s most important and most revered awards show for the most important and revered arts! Tonight, literally all of America will stop and join — what’s that you say? It’s the Heat-Mavericks game six? Oh. Well then… tonight, some of the gays and theater ladies will come together to hide from basketball and indulge in the not-at-all rigged awards system that heaps praise upon select, very expensive productions at a very small number of designated New York City theaters; awards are nominated by literally a couple dozen people and then chosen by all of 750 professional voters. This system serves to make almost everyone feel bad, except a very few rich people! (And yes, also some fine young actors and creators who have exciting new plays.) But also: Neil Patrick Harris is hosting! Who is still only 37. So let’s come together in the comments and celebrate this hot mess, right here with our own theatrically inclined hostess Jaime Green!