"Extreme Networking" and Lunchepreneurs

Happy Internet Week! In case you don’t know, Internet Week is “a festival celebrating NYC’s thriving Internet industry & community,” according to the website of Internet Week Dot Com.
If you wanted to, there’s a talk tonight at the Internet Week, except it’s not on the Internet, it’s in real life, called “Will Tweet for Food: Writing Your Own Ticket in the Digital Age.” There’s tickets, and you can write them.
But even more notable are two new developments in this wonderful age. There’s Sonar, which shows you people not in your networks who are around you and using Foursquare or Twitter. They call this “extreme networking.” (They do!)
And there is now something called Lunchepreneur. You sign up, tell them a little about who you are, and they match you up with lunch dates of interest! It’s like speed-dating, except instead of demeaning your outfit or your body, they demean your mind and you have to split a check.