American Majority's "Voter Fraud" App: It's a Tool for Election Law Violations
by Abe Sauer

The last time we heard from the corporate-funded Washington D.C.-based “free market” candidate seed organization American Majority, it was training candidates to assume local offices like school boards in Wisconsin (and elsewhere) to better implement the “tools” that legislators like Governor Scott Walker have fashioned.
Well, it appears American Majority has a new endeavor to help you “take control of your elections.” The American Majority Action Voter Fraud App. Except, on its way to stopping voting fraud, it seems the app may encourage election law violations.
As we already know from a video featuring the group’s Director of New Media Strategy, Austin James, instructing seminar attendees how to vote down liberal books on while at the same time voting up conservative books, American Majority likes technology. So it’s no surprise that “Just in time for Election Day,” American Majority started offering “the nation’s first mobile application to help identify, report and track suspected incidents of voter fraud and intimidation” and “help you report violations at the election booth and serve to uphold the democratic process.” (iPhone, Blackberry, Android). And it’s free!
Michelle Malkin called it “A Must-Download: American Majority Action’s voter fraud app. Use it!”
The American Spectator wrote, “Ever wanted to defend democracy, but find the hustle and bustle of modern life keeping you from it? Well, now thanks to American Majority Action go-go Americans can protect their right to vote via their chosen mobile device…My understanding from the bumper stickers around my neighborhood is freedom isn’t free, but I guess it sure is a nice perk that this related doohickey is.”
Red State and Andy Breitbart’s Big Government published carbon copy announcements endorsing the app. (How embarrassing.)
Coincidentally, though American Majority declines to take credit for it, it has also created the nation’s first voter intimidation app.
See, of all the neat features (from “Over 10 Issue Report Types” to “pre-populated reports”), the one that might most interest election officials is the “Easy to Use Image Capture.”
From the FAQs section of the app page:
Can I enter a service request/report without taking a picture?
Currently the mobile app requires a picture, however you can report issues from without one.
In most states, election officials frown on picture taking at polling places. In 13 states they have prohibited it. Seven states actually have state laws making such photography illegal. For instance, just listen to the unambiguous language of California Election Code § 18541: “No person shall… within 100 feet of a polling place… photograph, videotape, or otherwise record a voter entering or exiting a polling place.” How about Florida’s 102.031(5): “No photography is permitted in the polling room or early voting area.”
Or Texas (§ 61.013): “A person may not use a wireless communication device within 100 ft. of a voting station” and “A person may not use any mechanical or electronic means of recording images or sound within 100 feet of a voting station.”
Funny because here is a report (including a photo from what looks like a ballot) from Texarkana, TX.
Is there a “is this app illegal in my state” feature on American Majority’s Voter Fraud App? No.
The app has been around since last November, with Austin James (see above) telling Fox News in November that since 8,000 had downloaded the app, “he’s received 50 reports of election impropriety.” Does that Make James and American Majority an accomplice in breaking election law?
And who is behind American Majority’s encouragement to violate election law (besides Drew Ryun)?

Why, it’s none other than Anita Moncrief, whose American Majority Action Voter Fraud App “About” bio proudly states, “Whistleblower on ACORN and Project Vote [who] now spends her time educating others on the importance of fair elections and the corruption that still exists within the system.”
Abe Sauer can be reached at abesauer at gmail dot com.