No One Really Knows Why Local Man Does Strange Thing: The Nick Denton Story

There are many ways to read today’s New Yorker profile of Nick Denton, a New York City-based man who runs a network of popular websites. I think the best way I’ve found to read it so far is this one: print it out, or to otherwise somehow obtain a printed copy of the piece, and then highlight (perhaps in yellow?) all the quotes by Denton himself. As with all previous Denton profiles-and it’s not a fault of these profiles or the writers, I don’t think!-you will come searching for a “why” and you may again come away frustrated on a quick read. And yet still, when this one is given a sort of slow, math-problem like reading, you feel as if there’s an answer just forming in your peripheral vision. You can sort of see this shiny correct solution hovering there for a second.